Machine Learning Hello World in Less than 50 lines
Supervised Learning has proved to be useful when it comes to learning from labeled data. This article aims to help beginners and intermediate students and implement their own machine learning models. Machine learning models can be grouped into three main classes namely Supervised , Unsupervised and reinforcement learning. What is Supervised Learning? Imagine having a group of oranges and apples mixed together. You want to somehow sort these but the number of apples and oranges you have is insanely many making the work a little tedious for you. You however have a machine that could do the sorting except it needs to know what distinguishes an apple from am orange. So all you need now is to build a classifier and then embed it into your machine. Let just say you were successful in building the classifier using some features from both fruits and your machine now sorts the apples from the oranges. It's not by magic that your machine sorts the apples but instead through a process cal...